Humans are yet to develop an aluminium production technology that would have no environmental impact. Mining and transportation of bauxite, its conversion into alumina, and the reduction process (which still mainly feeds on energy coming from coal and gas fired power plants) – withal emit greenhouse gas emissions. For Rusal, it is a strategic imperative to reduce GHG emissions at every process stage, and our current result is the introduction of low carbon aluminium under the brand of ALLOW.
Carbon footprint of ALLOW aluminium production is
5 times lower than the industry's average.

- Allow distinguishes itself by its very low CO2 emissions emitted during its production. The Scope 1 and 2 emissions [i] of this brand are no more than 4 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per tonne of aluminium, which is five times below the industry’s global average and 7 times lower than the carbon footprint produced at smelters fed by coal-fired power plants.
- The key thing is that over 98% of all aluminium produced by Rusal is based on renewable energy supplied by hydro power plants in Siberia.
- The Company also continues its systemic efforts to reduce GHG emissions at every stage of the production process by introducing energy-saving technologies, implementing resource efficiency projects, and installing modern gas interception and treatment equipment at all of its sites.
- The carbon efficiency of Rusal’s aluminium was confirmed by independent experts, while the brand itself was given statements by the TUV Austria and Quantis, a Swiss-based environmental research group.
- Rusal also allows every buyer of the Allow-branded metal to track the whole production cycle and logistics to confirm its environmental friendliness.
The number of customers for this green metal keeps rising, with new industries joining the buying side including construction, packaging, automotive and consumer electronics.
ALLOW advantages for the clients:

Verification of CO2 emissions by independent organizations is a guarantee for customers throughout the supply chain.
Quantis (Switzerland) has supported RUSAL in revising and improving its data collection and the use of a methodology for estimating greenhouse gas emissions in aluminium production. The carbon footprint of products is verified annually by third party auditor.
Companies and consumers in various industries are increasingly opting for recyclable or more environmentally friendly materials ALLOW will allow customers to add commercial value and gain a competitive advantage in a cleaner product.
The name of the brand combines Rusal’s core aluminium business (AL) and low CO2 emissions (LOW), and symbolises new opportunities from a higher environmental performance.
Note: Scope 1&2 emissions are the most commonly used indicators in the industry for the definition of low carbon aluminium. For the bigger picture the full scope carbon footprint of an aluminium ingot should be considered. Full scope includes a complete cradle to gate carbon footprint of an aluminium ingot, including all GHG emissions from bauxite mining, alumina production, carbon anode production, aluminium electrolysis and ingot casting processes, raw material transport, electricity & heat generation, aluminium dross processing, as well as ancillary materials and fuels required for primary aluminium production. Full scope carbon footprint depends upon the smelter of origin and for all ALLOW branded aluminium produced by RUSAL full scope carbon footprint is less than 8 T CO2 eq/T Al. (based on ISO/TS 14067:2013). RUSAL is committed to provide full scope data for ALLOW aluminium upon request to each customer.