RUSAL Group values its business reputation and adheres to the ethical principles and standards that are set out in the RUSAL Group's Compliance Policies.
RUSAL abides the principle of intolerance to the corruption and bribery and follows national and international anti-corruption legislation as well as the best practices of ethical business conduct.
As the leader of the Russian aluminum industry, we are aware of our responsibility to the society to create an equal and competitive business environment. We are focused on conducting honest and socially responsible business and on the continuous development of our corporate culture based on strict compliance with the law in all jurisdictions where the company operates.

At RUSAL, The SignAL hotline provides employees, as well as business partners and others with a means to report potential violations of the Company’s Code of Ethics, our policies or applicable law.
What messages does hotline the SignAL accept?
Send a message to the Signal hotline
The SignAL hotline accepts messages about:
- Misappropriation of the Company’s assets;
- Any kind of illegal or fraudulent actions in purchases of goods and services;
- Any kind of illegal or fraudulent actions in sales;
- Bribery, corruption or other illegal payments;
- Misconduct of the Company’s partners (customers, suppliers, contractors, etc.);
- Financial, inventory or production accounting reports manipulation;
- Conflicts of interest;
- Violation of the Company’s Code of Ethics;
- Workplace violence, discrimination and harassment;
- Disclosure of trade secret information;
- Any other activities causing financial or reputational damages to the Company.
- advertisement messages or spam;
- messages containing unreadable symbols;
- messages concerning hiring process;
- messages not related to the Company’s business.