- +7 495 720-51-70
- +7 495 720-51-71
- +7 495 745-70-46(for incoming fax messages)
1, Vasilysy Kozhinoy str, Moscow, 121096, Russia
Full list of RUSAL's representative office is available here
Important notice: we no longer process purchasing requests via email.
For Russia and CIS please use enquiry form Форма для обращений по закупке для России и стран СНГ.
For other countries please use Business enquiry form for international orders below.

- +7 800 234-56-40 (free in Russia)
- +7 495 221-33-72 (for cals from abroad)
- +7 915 224-56-40 (WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger)
POB#55, 7-1, Oleko Dundicha str., 121096, Moscow, Russia

RUSAL operates a service that helps identify and prevent cases of dishonest actions by contractors and Company employees - the SignAL hotline.
Contact our SIGNAL hotline if you know about any of the following issues:
- Misappropriation of the Company’s assets;
- Any kind of illegal or fraudulent actions in purchases of goods and services;
- Any kind of illegal or fraudulent actions in sales;
- Bribery, corruption or other illegal payments;
- Misconduct of the Company’s partners (customers, suppliers, contractors, etc.);
- Financial, inventory or production accounting reports manipulation;
- Conflicts of interest;
- Violation of the Company’s Code of Ethics;
- Workplace violence, discrimination and harassment;
- Disclosure of trade secret information;
- Any other activities causing financial or reputational damages to the Company.
- advertisement messages or spam;
- messages containing unreadable symbols;
- messages concerning hiring process;
- messages not related to the Company’s business.
Thanks! Your application has been sent.
Important notice: we no longer process purchasing requests via email.
For Russia and CIS please use enquiry form Форма для обращений по закупке для России и стран СНГ.
For other countries please use Business enquiry form for international orders below.
1, Vasilysy Kozhinoy str, Moscow, 121096, Russia
Full list of RUSAL's representative office is available here