RUSAL/EIU present report on changing international perceptions of the Russian business
Moscow, 5 December 2012 – UC RUSAL, the world’s largest aluminium producer, presents the findings of the report "Nothing ventured, nothing gained: Changing international perceptions of Russian business”. The research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and commissioned by UC RUSAL reveals that the vast majority of foreign companies that have experience of working with the Russian business are positive in their assessment of the partnership, with over 72% of the respondents saying they are ready to continue business in the medium term.
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Interros, Millhouse and UC RUSAL reached principal agreement on resolving a situation around MMC Norilsk Nickel
Moscow, 4 December 2012 — UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), the world’s largest aluminium producer, and Interros company, MMC Norilsk Nickel's largest shareholder, have reached an in principle  agreement aimed to settle the shareholders’ conflict and envisaging conclusion of an agreement between Interros, UC RUSAL and Millhouse. The agreement is aimed at integrating the efforts of all parties to maximize profitability and shareholders' value, as well as delivering improvements to the existing corporate governance structures.
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UC RUSAL announces results for the three and nine months ended 30 September 2012
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Mr. Barry Cheung Shares Insights on the Impact of Population Growth on Global Consumer Market with HKUST President at UC RUSAL President&#39;s Forum
<p>Hong Kong, 2 November 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), the world’s largest aluminium producer, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) hosted the UC RUSAL President's Forum today (2 November 2012), during which Mr. Barry Cheung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange and Independent Non-Executive Director of UC RUSAL, spoke on “8.5 Billion Global Consumers by 2030: Opportunity or Looming Disaster?” to an enthusiastic audience.</p>
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UC RUSAL announces the extension of the financial covenant non-testing period under current credit facility
<p>Moscow, 30 October 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), the world’s largest aluminium producer, announces that the Company has reached an agreement with its lenders on the extension, until the end of 2013, of the period during which financial covenants under the USD4.75 billion syndicated facility arranged by international and Russian lenders are not to be tested.</p>
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Court of Appeal backs up UC RUSAL in its right to obtain Norilsk Nickel documents in full
<p>Moscow, 18 October 2012 — UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486; Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL; Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), the world’s largest aluminium producer, announces that the Third Court of Appeal has rejected MMC Norilsk Nickel’s appeal and upheld the decision of the Arbitration Court of Krasnoyarsk Region, dated 4 June 2012, which upheld UC RUSAL Investment Management LLC's claim (the owner of 25% plus 1 share of MMC) requesting Norilsk Nickel to provide certain information and documents regarding Norilsk Nickel’s operations.</p>
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BEMO hydro powerplant successfully launched
UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486; Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL; Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), the world’s largest aluminium producer, announces the first test launch of Boguchanskaya hydropower plant, a part of BEMO — joint project of UC RUSAL and RusHydro that includes the construction of a hydropower plant and an aluminium smelter. The hydroelectric plant has generated its first electricity, after two 333 MW units were put into test operation during an launch ceremony held by the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, in Moscow via videoconference.
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UC RUSAL and Ministry of Economic Development sign a co-operation agreement
<p>Moscow, 12 October 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486; Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL; Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), the world’s largest aluminium producer, announces the signing of a co-operation agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on realization of RUSAL’s joint projects with Chinese partners.</p>
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UC RUSAL to install all pot shells for the BEMO smelter first pot room by the end of 2012
<p>Moscow, 11 October 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486; Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL; Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), the world’s largest aluminium producer, announces the commencement of the pot shell installation at the Boguchansky (BEMO) aluminium smelter construction site. The Company expects to install all 168 pot shells needed to launch pot room #1 by the end of 2012.</p>
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