UC RUSAL and China Eximbank signed cooperation agreement on new project in Eastern Siberia
<p>Moscow, 19 June 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, MICEX-RTS: RUALR), the world’s largest aluminium producer, and the Export-Import Bank of China, one of PRC’s largest financial institutions, have signed a cooperation agreement on RUSAL’s up to the USD850 million greenfield project in Eastern Siberia.</p>
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Results of UC RUSAL’s Annual General Meeting of shareholders
<p align="justify">Moscow, 18 June 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486; Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL; MICEX-RTS: RUALR), the world’s largest aluminium producer, announces the results of its 2012 Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM) held on 15 June 2012 in Hong Kong.</p>
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UC RUSAL announces 2012 first quarter results
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Matthias Warnig nominated to UC RUSAL&#39;s Board of Directors as Independent Non-Executive Director
<p>Moscow, 14 May 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, MICEX-RTS: RUALR), the world’s largest aluminium producer, announces the decision of the Company’s Board of Directors to nominate Matthias Warnig for election to RUSAL’s Board of Directors as an independent non-executive director at the Annual General Shareholders Meeting on 15 June 2012.</p>
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Esquel Group Chairman and HKUST President share insights on industry and economic growth at UC RUSAL President’s Forum
<p>Moscow, 3 May 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, MICEX and RTS: RUALR), the world’s largest aluminium producer and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) hosted the UC RUSAL President’s Forum today on ‘Making a Difference, a Stitch at a Time’ featuring Ms Marjorie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group and one of Fortune’s Top 50 Most Powerful Women in Business. Ms. Yang shared insights regarding how a traditional industry could become a catalyst for societal change. </p>

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Basic Element companies expand partnership with NORINCO Corporation
Moscow, April 28, 2012 – Oleg Deripaska, CEO of Basic Element and UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, MICEX-RTS: RUALR) and President of En+ Group, and Zhang Guoqing, President of China North Industries Corporation, signed a framework agreement on strategic cooperation providing for the joint implementation of projects in the engineering, mining and metal sectors.
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Joint venture of UC RUSAL and NORINCO started operations
<p>Shenzhen, 26 April 2012 — UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, MICEX-RTS: RUALR), the world’s largest aluminium producer, and China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) are pleased to announce the operations start of North United Aluminium (NUA, the former Shenzhen North Investments) — the Shenzhen-based joint venture of RUSAL and NORINCO, specializing in aluminium, alloys and other non-ferrous metals trading on the Chinese market.</p>
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UC RUSAL announces new appointment
<p>Moscow, 17 April 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, MICEX-RTS: RUALR), the world’s largest aluminium producer, is pleased to announce the appointment of Evgeny Ovchinnikov as Commercial Director of UC RUSAL.</p>
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UC RUSAL to receive refund of EU anti-dumping duties
<p>Moscow, 3 April 2012 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486; Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL; MICEX-RTS: RUALR), the world’s largest aluminium producer, announces that the European Commission has considered legitimate RUSAL’s claim for a refund of anti-dumping duties paid in 2008 on imports of silicon metal from Russia to the EU by the Company’s silicon producers, SKU LLC and ZAO Kremny.</p>
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