
RUSAL Supplied Ultra-Low-Carbon Aluminium to Asia Tier 1 Automotive Supplier

Moscow, 15 October 2024 – RUSAL, a leading global producer of primary aluminium, has supplied ultra-low-carbon aluminium to one of Asia's largest Tier-1 suppliers to OEMs to manufacture aluminium wheels.

Foundry alloys produced from ALLOW INERTA™ metal have been successfully processed into cast wheels that have passed all required compliance tests. ALLOW INERTA™, RUSAL's proprietary aluminium brand boasts the lowest carbon footprint in the industry. The use of this advanced aluminium significantly reduces the carbon footprint of the final product to an industry-leading minimum.

The wheels have been successfully qualified and will be installed on a new EV model from one of the leading OEMs. The embedded carbon emissions of the supplied foundry alloys are less than 2 tons of CO2 per ton of aluminium produced. RUSAL actively supports the global automotive industry's decarbonization efforts as part of its commitment to carbon neutrality.

“RUSAL team has achieved extraordinary results in terms of carbon footprint of foundry alloys for wheel application. It is no exaggeration to say that we are laying the foundations for a green economy by producing the aluminium with the lowest carbon footprint in the world. Supply of RUSAL metal to our OEM partner aimed at ultra-low-carbon wheels production is an excellent example of the consolidated efforts of cross-industry partners on our shared path to sustainability. We fully support our customers' decarbonization efforts and build long-term shared value”, – commented Elias Sarkis, Export Sales Director of RUSAL.

RUSAL’s novel smelting technology for producing primary aluminium reduces greenhouse gas emissions during the electrolysis process to nearly zero. Using hydropower for electrolysis means RUSAL has achieved ALLOW INERTA™ GHG emissions for Scope 1 and 2 of just 0.01tons of CO2eq per ton of aluminium, compared to the industry average of 11.4 tons of CO2eq. The full scope of carbon dioxide emissions for ALLOW INERTA™ metal is less than 2 tons of CO2eq per ton of aluminium, compared to the industry average of 15.1 tons of CO2eq.

ALLOW INERTA™ complements the family of low-carbon aluminum brand ALLOW, being on the top in the lineup in terms of carbon footprint and one of the best among all LCA brands in the world. RUSAL will continue to develop its portfolio to offer products with the best available sustainability performance.
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